Sunday, January 28, 2018

Understand the reality of life is important.

Someone asked a monk, what can he does to help her mother as she has passed away some days ago.

The monk replied: There is nothing you can do about it if your mother passed away. But you need to understand the reality of life. We are born into this world with the body, in this body, we have five senses, with the five senses, we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, with that we experience three kinds of feelings, pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral. We desire the pleasant, we hate the unpleasant, and the neutral sensation only makes us feel existed, or something that is existing there, or you are existing.

What really happens is that in our whole life, we are trying to seek more and more pleasant and to avoid pains as much as possible, and to keep on existing. We can not have pleasant all the time, we can not avoid pains all the time, we can not keep on existing all the time. This is the problem we have. We want to exist... we want our parents, children and we want everyone keep on existing. But that doesn't happen, everyone who is born in this world has to die, we have to accept the reality of life, this is why the "Citta", is our emotional reactions, the "Citta" is not able to think, it  is only desiring and hating things, fearing things and worrying about things. It is this thinking part which calls "Mano", which is able to become aware of the reality of life, and we can do about the reality of life, the reality is that everything in this world is impermanent, it comes and goes, and what is impermanent is unpleasant, what is unpleasant is not making us happy, and what is unpleasant is not as we want, if it is not as we want that means it is not under my power, what is not under my power is not mine, that is the meaning of "Anatta", which means we don't own anything of this world, so we have to face the reality of the life. We can not do anything about it, it is the important thing to understand.