Tuesday, January 24, 2012

There are different levels of "need satisfaction".

Abraham Maslow classified needs at 5 hierarchical levels:

The lowest needs are biological, next are the safety needs of security, stability and order. Then come belongingness such as affiliation, affection, and identification. Follow self-esteem needs including prestige, success, and self respect. Finally at the top comes the need for self-actualization to develop one's full potential in whatever field one works in.

Art making is at which level?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Walking meditation

Each step is a new step.
Be aware of every moment of each step.
Arising, moving, dropping, touching, pressing and balancing.
Let awareness follows each moment.
Know it and be with it.

Sometime thoughts come and go in between a moment.
That appears and disappears so fast.
Be aware and be happy.
Be present.