Sunday, September 26, 2010


It is important 
to be prepared 
to change

To free the mind 
each time

Not to attach
too much
importance to
previous ideas

Prabhakara, 1987.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Sati or mindfulness is a state of being that one is aware of one's bodily action and mind or bodily and mental phenomenon that is happening at the present moment within oneself and one does not react to it but one clearly knows it and explores it with clear attention. There are some wholesome mental factors that accompanies right mindfulness, factors like faith, self-respect, conscience, non-attachment, good will, balance, tranquility of body and mind, lightness, softness, readiness, adaptability and straightness of body and mind. One can learn how to apply mindfulness to daily activities by learning and practising mindfulness meditation.