Saturday, April 25, 2009

Proper training

Ven Sariputta gave a discourse on proper training to Ven Gulissani on one occasion at the Squirrels' Sanctuary.

One should be respectful and deferential towards his companions in the holy life. One should be skilled in good behaviour regarding seats. One should not enter the village too early or return late in the day. One should not go before the meal or after the meal to visit familes. One should not be naughty and personally vain. One should not be rough-tongued and loose-spoken. One should be easy to correct and should associate with good friends. One should guard the doors of his sense faculties. One should be moderate in eating. One should be devoted to wakefulness. One should be energetic. One should be established in mindfulness. One should be concentrated. One should be wise. One would apply himself to the higher Dhamma and the higher discipline. One should apply himself to those liberations that are peaceful and immaterial, transcending forms. One should apply himself to superhuman states.

I read and summaried the above from the Gulissani Sutta - Majjhima Nikaya, which was translated by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Beauty of Awareness

Many things can not last long under the light of our awareness. They disappear with our awareness. Whatsoever deepens with our awareness is compassion, love and kindness, the quality of wholesomeness remains. This is the magic of awareness. This is the beauty of awareness. It is also called right mindfulness.